Wednesday, January 24, 2007

History misinterpreted

I mean history is never misinterpreted but the way we perceive history is misinterpreted.

Well some cynical person may be! Once in his life made a comment that “history repeats itself”. And there is whole lot of monkeys to follow that comment.

History to me is sequential arrangement of fact and figures meant to study the life of our ancestors to know that what we are today was some time that way. We know history as it ever existed. We just do not look back into history to become that way! We do it to know that it has happened and how to avoid that not to be again. We do not want anything wrong in the past days to relive ever in the future.

Unlike a chimp which has laid back in the evolution. History repeats itself. Chimp has to go thru all the learning done by its predecessor in his lifetime. They have the mind to develop but no way to pass on to create a history. History is mystery for them.

As a human being we have the mind blessed to us and took millions of years for our genes to develop it as it is today. We learnt, we know and we decide. Thus every other generation we pass on another episode of history that was never existed before us.It does not repeat for humans.

I am writing this Blog to make those people know who just think that there is only way as it ever existed in history to many other people. I would say their mind is left out in evolution and their category is more towards chimps where as they have become human.

Definitely we learn the good instance from the history and will ever like to carry into our experiences from our ancestors. But, necessarily making all those things happen just because it has ever existed in the history is just not creativity of human mind.

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