Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Changing Derivatives

Who came first?

Does that have any relevance to the present we are living in? “The Change” That is constant in our life has taken us to the present age and will always be constantly doing for the future perfect.

Life is cozy! Comfort is enhanced! Things get improved! The next time I hear from you shall be your avatar reading out a message in my mail. Hey buddy, just dropped in to say you “good morning”. Ever since the existence of human life things have gotten change for better. And that is just the essence of the life. Movement comes with the growth. And growth has to bring greater momentum. This is the material life baby.

Hard work of the previous ages turns out to be the smart work of new age. Play with the rules is the buzz thing to make your way ahead. The relationship changes, Living transforms, Style is the icon, Things are personal, feelings are open, no offence in opening up your heart and mind. The equations in the people are more vulnerable. I me and myself is the rule of the life.
Civilization and societies are intermingled; at least on the internet made them so. People meet each other in fiber optics under the deep ocean, Information keeps traveling from the space, Web-based businesses, virtual avatar and tremendous transformations in the economic activities across the globe.

The things keep moving in life, we always have to keep abreast with the Change. The change is only thing that is constant in this world. So let’s make the new beginning now. It is same of us, who ever existed first at the time of evolution.Touch the life of others and bring a positive difference. The change is inevitable.

Hey buddy, does that mean I have something in me from who came first. Ah! That means that I will last eternal!

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